Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sandra Oh’s Simple Pleasures

What makes Sandra Oh smile? The Grey’s Anatomy star—now in the movie Ramona and Beezus—dishes about the small stuff that makes life grand, from dancing with friends to indulging in Häagen Dazs.

The best thing I do for my health is…breathe and try to be exactly where I am.

Three things that inspire me: my nieces, my teachers, my fear.

My favorite summer pleasure: traveling.

Playing a doctor has made me… appreciate nurses.

I like to treat myself every day to… a salted caramel.

My biggest pet peeve is… people who don’t care.

When I’m not in the mood to exercise, I tell myself… don’t exercise.

My idea of fun: dancing in my kitchen with my close friends.

The last time I went shopping, I bought… organic food.

I will never get tired of eating… Häagen-Dazs Peanut Butter Brittle ice cream. It’s a limited edition—I hope they never stop making it. That and my mom’s mung bean pancake.

If I have a free 10 minutes, you’ll find me… sleeping, trying to meditate, or listening to music.

The part of my body that I’m most confident about: This is obviously a trick question. The whole imperfect thing.

What I love about my life is… pretty much all of it.

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