Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Molly Sims: Fab for Fall

You think you’d feel self-conscious around a supermodel style expert. And yet meeting with 37-year-old Molly Sims—who rose to fame as a model for Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret and a host of MTV’s “House of Style”—leads to anything but.

In her easy Kentucky accent, Molly talks work and play: how she’s recently added jewelry designer to her résumé with her new line Grayce by Molly Sims, why her strict workout regimen lets her not stress about what she eats, and what she’s most grateful for.

Q: You’re a believer in healthy eating, right?
A: I think I’ve done every crazy diet there was in the beginning, but it’s weird: I’m thinner now than I was when I was modeling. I don’t obsess about it. I have a really strict regimen of exercise, so I pretty much can eat what I want…but, no, I hate saying that.

Q: Because then people think you’re just eating pizza and chocolate cake.
A: ’Cause I’m not. No, I work out for an hour to an hour-and-a-half, five to six days a week, hardcore. I mean, my butt was up at 7:30 this morning and at [the studio of trainer] Tracy Anderson to work out at 8. They’re great, they push you.

Q: You’re from Kentucky. Is there anything about you that speaks of that?
A: I still love red velvet cake. My mom FedExes a red velvet cake she makes from scratch to me every birthday. And she walked four miles a day for 25 years. She always said, you should take care of yourself, you shouldn’t let yourself go. That’s a very Southern thing. I can remember watching her doing Jack LaLanne on the back of a chair, for sure! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Q: What do you do to feel healthy?
A: I watch my wheat intake. I drink a hot lemon water when I wake up. It cleanses your palate. And I dry brush, which is great for your circulation. Oh my God, it’s amazing.

Q: You’re full of great health tips!
A: I should have a blog! If you want to get into a dress, watch your salt intake for three days. Don’t down soy sauce and sushi. I think if more people were healthy, they’d have
a better outlook on life.

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